WW1 1914 - 1918 ARMY LISTS
The United Red and White Rose.
THE EAST SURREY REGIMENT WW1 Regiment pages extracted from the following Army Lists: British Army List 1914 [August], British Army List 1915 [January], British Army List 1916 [November], British Army List 1917 [December], British Army List 1918 [December]. Abbreviations pages included for reference.
If your interest is THE EAST SURREY REGIMENT only, the Army List Regiment packs are a value for money alternative to buying all the full priced Army Lists for the World War 1 period.
Q. What are the Army Lists?
A. Official Distribution Lists of Officers on the Active List of the Regular Army, the Militia, the Territorial Army, the Supplementary Reserve, etc. Published by the War Office / H.M.S.O.
Q. What are the Army List Regiment Packs?
A. They are the pages from the original full Army Lists for 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917 & 1918 - for this Regiment only.
Q. Will I find any information about Privates, Corporals etc?
A. NO! They are Officers only.