The British Army List [March] 1863
IN the List of Regiments, the Field Officers have the Date of their last Regimental Appointments annexed to their Names, their Army Bank being specified in the List of General and field Officers; Captains with the Brevet of Field Officers, the Date of their first Commissions as Captains; the other Captains, Subalterns, and Staff, the Date of their Army Rank, their Seniority in the Regiment being indicated by the Order of their Names in each Rank. The Words subscribed to the titles of Regiments, as "Peninsula," "Waterloo," &c. denote the Honorary Distinctions permitted to be borne by such Regiments on their Colours and Appointments, in commemoration of their Services.
Academy (R. Mil.) at Woolwich. Aides-de-Camp to the Queen. Army Hospital Corps. Artillery Comp. of London. Artillery, Regt. of. Asylum (R. Mil.) at Chelsea. Barrack Masters. Bull Point. Canadian Rifles. Cape Mounted Riflemen. Cavalry. Ceylon Rifle Regiment. Channel Islands Militia. Chaplains. Chatham Depot. Chelsea Hospital. Asylum. Circulars. College (R. Mil.) at Sandhurst. Colours, Inspector of Regimental. Commander-in-Chiefs Office. Commissariat. Convalescent Estab. Yarmouth. Deaths. Depot Battalions. Depot at Chatham. Depot at Warley. Detachments, Isle of Man. Districts, Recruiting. Dock Yard Corps (Malta Art.). Dragoon Guards. Dragoons. Education, Council of. Enfield. Engineer Establishment. Engineers, Corps of. Examinations, Army, Notice of. Falkland Islands. Falkland Island Company. Field Marshals. Field Officers. Field Officers retired on Full Pay. Field Officers retired from the Army. Fire Masters. Foot Guards. Foreign Orders, Regulations as to. Garrisons. General Officers. General Officers Supernumerary. General Officers on Half Pay. General Officers on Unattached Pay . General Officers on Special Rate. General Officers Indian Army. Gentlemen at Arms. Gold Coast Artillery. Gunnery, School of. Half Pay. Hibernian Military School. Hon. Phys. and Surg, to H. M.. Honorary Rank. Horse Guards, Regiment of. Hospital, Chelsea. Hospital, General, at Woolwich. Hospital, Kilmainham. Indian Army, General and Retired. Officers. Infantry. Inspectors of Warlike Stores and. Fire Masters. [sleof Man, Commanding Detachm. Judge Advocate General. Kilmainham Hospital. Knights of Windsor. Life Guards. Local Rank. Lucknow Prize Money. Malta Fencible Artillery. Marines, Corps of. Medical Dept. Military Store Dept. Military Train. Militia. Musketry, Schools of. Order of the Bath. Ordnance Select Committee. Particular Service. Pay Office. Pensioners, Staff Officers of. Physicians, hon. to H. M. Pimlico. Portsmouth. Prices of Commissions. Prisons. Prom. Appts., &c. since last Publ. Do. too late. Purveyors. Recruiting Districts. Recruiting Districts Roy. Eng. Recruiting Districts Marines. Retired Full and Half Pay. Rewards. Rifle Brigade. School, Army Medical. School, R. Hibernian. Schools, Army, Inspectors of. School of Gunnery. Schools of Musketry. Staff